Key findings for West Midlands from National Employer Skills Survey 2009

Cover of report National Employers Skills Survey 2009 report - key findings for West Midlands regionThanks to  Sam Richardson from the Young People’s Learning Agency (formerly of Learning and Skills Council West Midlands) for contributing this post.

A report on key findings for the West Midlands (pdf, 1mb) from the National Employer Skills Survey 2009 was published in March.

The survey consisted of just over 79,000 telephone interviews (8,186 in the West Midlands) with employers across England (the largest number to date) between March and July 2009.

It represents by far the largest and most comprehensive source of information on current skills issues affecting employers in England.

The UK Commission for Employment and Skills previously published a summary of national findings.

A more comprehensive description of the national results will be available in a full report due June 2010 (after the election). The survey data is available for exploration and data mining at